Funding our future
Dear Supporters,
It is hard to believe we have been showcasing the very best Local, National and International performing arts talent on our stage for fifteen years. Over the years, our venue has been the stage for countless awe-inspiring performances, connecting artists with our audiences in unforgettable ways.
Fifteen Years of Performance:
A Legacy of Excellence
Since opening our doors in 2008, our venue has played host to an astounding array of performances, from world-renowned ballets to spellbinding orchestral concerts, electrifying rock shows and incredible musical theatre performances. We are proud to announce that over the last 15 years, an incredible 175,000 patrons have enjoyed, supported and witnessed the incredible talent we have in our district, and from further afield, much of which has blossomed thanks to the facilities and support we have available at the Ashburton Event Centre.
From the beginning, the Ashburton Performing Arts Theatre Trust had a clear vision to establish a Performing Arts Venue that supported not just the many local performing arts organisations in Mid Canterbury, but also a large number of touring artists, a venue that provided them with the most up-to-date facilities, equal to our larger counterparts throughout New Zealand, and to provide an educational opportunity for students and performers to learn the many production elements involved in theatre, from performance, technical sound and lighting to stage construction and stage management. A meeting space that provided the opportunity for the community to meet on a social, intellectual or educational level to enhance their lifestyle, creating a more vibrant community for us all to live in, and provide for a culturally diverse community needing to share and celebrate through performance and entertainment.

The Need for Renewal:
Investing in our future
While we celebrate this milestone, we must also look ahead. The Ashburton Performing Arts Theatre Trust has strived to maintain a high level of functionality ensuring it remains fit for purpose. But, just like a masterpiece requires periodic restoration and renewal, our much-loved venue is in need of an upgrade to ensure it continues to inspire future generations of performers and showcases their performances in comfortable and inviting surroundings for our audience. The wear and tear of 15 years of events, changing technology and evolving safety standards, necessitates significant renovations.
Our Vision:
A Venue Fit for the Future
Our vision remains clear – to ensure our venue remains a state-of-the-art facility that can accommodate even more remarkable performances and artist endeavours through the provision of technology, equipment and facilities relevant to current industry practices. This revitalisation effort will include:
- Acoustic Enhancement: Upgrading our existing acoustic PA system to the modern Line Array speaker system complete with a new, larger mixing console.
- Networking Upgrade: Install networking capabilities that enable the provision of audio-visual display across the venue.
- Theatrical Lighting Upgrade: Upgrade the theatrical lighting to the more eco-friendly LED lighting systems now available.
- Accessibility: Improving accessibility features to create a more inclusive environment for all patrons.
- Technology: Integrate cutting-edge technology to enhance the visual and auditory experience for our audience including hard of hearing.
- Sustainability: Implementing eco-friendly initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, including trade waste, and power consumption.
- Furnishing, Flooring and Wall Covering Upgrade: Refresh the decor ensuring the venue remains an attractive and inviting place for the purpose of social interaction.
In marking 15 years of excellence, we recognise that our journey is far from over.
The support the Ashburton District Council has shown towards the Trust must be acknowledged. Without that support, we would have been unable to provide the community with the level of support and the facilities we now offer.

Funding Request
The Ashburton Performing Arts Theatre Trust thanks everyone who has supported us over the last fifteen years. It is through your support that numerous community organisations have had a venue to showcase their talents and events.
With an estimated cost of $900,000, the task of seeking funding begins through the numerous funding organisations that have been so supportive over the years.
In maintaining our incredible venue we are now asking for that support to continue by way of public donations to raise the funds necessary to complete our goal. If you would like to support our efforts, please complete the form below or contact for further information. Remember, every little bit helps us support the ambitions of the many performing arts organisations in our community.
As an approved charity (CC23324) donations made will be able to claim a tax rebate of 33.33% on the donated amount. A receipt acknowledging your donation will be provided.
With your continued support and engagement, we look forward to making our venue an even more vibrant hub for the performing arts, a place where creativity knows no bounds, and where the magic of the stage continues to captivate hearts.
Donate to funding our future
We invite you to support our vision: A Venue Fit For The Future
Naming Rights
The opportunity exists to purchase the Naming rights to the new state-of-the-art PA Sound System and Control Room located in the O-Reilly Auditorium. Your name or a business name will be displayed on the Control Room and the PA Speakers located in the upper left and right side of the stage.
Price Negotiable. Contact us now
Seat Purchase
I would like to purchase a seat in the O-Reilly Auditorium complete with a named plaque.
The cost per seat is $500